Wednesday, July 2, 2008


....and what have i learned so far? hmmm. lots, i guess. But i can confidently say that my current theme to life is, "Do whatever i have to do to do whatever i want to do" (yes, i took that from The Great Debaters).

Good stuff!

Being a qtr of a century old can really take its toll on the body. Thankfully, i got married just in time. So when that fateful heart attack comes to visit, Bahareh will be at my side to help get me through it all.

True Love = True Dependency?

cough cough,
- jelsen

What A Tuesday!

First things first, i realized that our 'pardon the mess - just got married' was no longer valid after 5, i went ahead and finally did the dishes.

Amin [ Bahareh's nephew ] and i had a HULK movie date to attend to: 11am. He grabbed auntie's bike and we rode to Brooklyn Heights.Pizza for brunch. Champions.How dare Bahareh be sick on her own honeymoon? tsk tsk.And so far, my best [ married ] tuesday ever.

- jelsen