....so i've been in search of a new bike forever and FINALLY something caught my eye [ and wallet ] via craigslist a week ago. boston > craigslist.
ha - i emailed the post and he called me back the next morning.
'cool - so what neighborhood are you in?', he asked.
'new york city.'
'damn, dude.'
'yeah - gimme 5-6hrs to get there.'
this was on a friday so i jumped on a chinatown bus [ bought a disposable camera first ] and headed to boston:

I got there just under 5hrs.
And once i got there a mister Josh Deane picked me up and pulled my baby out of his jeep:

> Y E S <

After about 20mins of throwing bike jargon back and forth [ he was far more articulate ] i handed over some currency and headed back to the bus station.
pwitty luggage.

I got back to manhattan around 4am. My first ride through the city and onto the manhattan bridge was soooooooooo clean.
I named it Plan Bee.
Thanks again, Josh, for my new pet.
oh fixed gear,
- jelsen