In april i was hit up by the brotherly duo directors TWiN to be a part of their Qdept Director Series.
Twas a cool idea: pic a couple of artists, send us their favorite songs, give us 30mins in front of a camera to illustrate a piece influenced by the music...then throw a party to display the film and the art.

check out my lil banger. i figured irreverence called for custom type, duh:
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'The Good Lawd Saith Dance'
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> > > now back to Jonathan & Josh.
these two are pretty amazing talents. how the fuck'd that happen to TWINS?! I especially love their humor, it definitely seeps into the work also. check 'em out H E R E.
story tellers, these two.
...some stills:

Ive been having a ton-o-fun with my trusted sharpie.
soon, steady hands
- jelsen