The best thing about being back home is that I get to be Lisa's plus one again. On Thursday we were invited to not one but TWO great award shows and being as festivity deprived as we have been lately...we decided to go to them both.
Luckily they were within a five minute walk from each other (oh, Oslo) and although we accidentally missed BOTH award ceremonies, we had a grand time pretending to be at two places at once.
The second event was hosted by Costume, my favorite fashion magazine ( a lot of favorites in one night, I know). They awarded the best dressed, best brand, best designer etc of the year. Pretty much anyone who's anyone showed up, which included my favorite (see last parenthesis) girl, Maya Vik. She is so pretty and talented that I giggle every time I see her.
Next event is Oslo Fashion week, this year at the brand new Opera house in Oslo. Can not wait to finally get to see it close up and make it my new favorite! I'll make sure to bring a real camera for that event!
Thanks for a great night, Lisa!