Tuesday, February 19, 2008

This moaning

It seems Jelsen passed his cold on to me. I guess you really CAN do everything on the internet these days. Woke up this a.m. with a sore throat, runny nose and pounding headache. Refused to accept what was happening to my body and made it all the way to the gym for my pilates class - where they asked me to please leave so I wouldn't spread my germs to everyone there. Got on the train back home with all my snot tissues tucked in my mitten (yes I wear mittens, you would too if you lived in Norway). Have now camped down on the couch with oj, pills and even more snot tissue.

For those of you with keen sight ;
yes, my blankie has a dog and a cat on it. And yes, I call it my "blankie".



Jenny from da BLOG said...

I can hardly believe my eyes...you have a blankie much like my own! However, my blanket has two dogs and no cats. AND those two dogs are pictures of my two dogs in miami...this is not a joke, my blankie is personalized...regardless, i'm glad we can share an affinity for photos of fuzzy things on things that keep us warm

Nia said...

Also for those with keen eyes your pillow matches Jelsen's blanket...:-)