Last Thursday it was time for my annual Ladies only Cookie cutting and decorating party and this year the ladies ignored the horrible weather and one by one they walked in to our house and filled it with the usual sugar and spice and everything nice. Candles were lit, the spiced wine was heating and Boys II Men interpreted Christmas on the speakers.
This year, more wonderful ladies showed up than ever before, which makes me truly understand how many great new friends I have made this past year. Good times were had, about 3 gallons of wine was consumed and everyone's decorating skills were put to the test.
(candle lit baking)

(calm before the baking)

(yummy spiced wine, scandinavian style - thanks for the gløgg, Lisa!)

(Jenn had spent half the day at work making drawings of the cookies she wanted to cut)

(icing in holiday colors)
I bet you wonder how our delicious treats turned out, eh? Well, you can click yourself over to our house and see the wonderful results. I bet you wish you were there, and if you have a vagina and you play nice - you'll probably get an invite to next years event.
(calm before the baking)
(yummy spiced wine, scandinavian style - thanks for the gløgg, Lisa!)
(Jenn had spent half the day at work making drawings of the cookies she wanted to cut)
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