Friday, January 30, 2009

Oh, Oslo

Last night I rekindled my romance with my hometown and went to a screening of the movie "Metropolis".
It was showing at this beautiful house called Villa Stenersen that was designed by architect Arne Korsmo in the late 1930s and was supposed to function as a home for both Rolf Stenersen, his family and their incredible art collection. In 1974 Stenersen donated his home to the city and it was supposed to be used as a residence for future prime ministers, but has only housed one so far. These days the house is used as a gallery and meeting space used mainly by architect and design fields.

The movie didn't start before sundown, so I didn't get any good pictures myself. Luckily I managed to put the world wide web to the test and find some of my favorite details about the building. Please note the dome entrance and the frame windows. Spectacular.

The next few weeks they are showing "Blade Runner", "The Fountainhead" and "Brazil". I'll dedicate a post to the first person who can tell what these movies all have in common.



ghersionmyjersey said...

ahhh, i really want to win! i love all those movies! hmm... ok, ok, i'm thinking. hmm.... i'll be back....

ghersionmyjersey said...

jeremy says they're all "film d'anticipation". that's french for a film that tries to imagine what the future will look like.

ghersionmyjersey said...

and also, in all three, the city is almost a character itself.

ghersionmyjersey said...

ps- it's almost 10 on a saturday night.
i'm such a loser.


unbelievable. glad the internets passed your test.

Bahareh said...

Ghers and Jeremy, YOU WIN! Would be awesome if someone else had tried, but who cares, YOU WON! All the movies have architecture as a topic, and 3 of them show visions of the futuristic city. Good job. Stay tuned for the grand prize!