Saturday, January 10, 2009

What I learned on TV today

Tonight's full moon is going to be the closest to the earth of all of 2009. It's actually 50 000 km closer to our planet than usual (that is about 30 000 miles for those who don't know the metric system) and because of that, the moon is supposedly gonna look 30% brighter and about 15% bigger. 

So if the clouds aren't in your way, I hope you look up and enjoy the view that is shining from above.


FLY LADY DI said...

i know this is gonna sound totally weird (and maybe gross), but I ALWAYS get my period on the full moon!


and WEIRD! Lol. Sorry just had to share it with the world. Heh.

Anonymous said...

oh wow. thanks for posting mom and i were outside last night around midnight staring up at the moon out here, where there is no "light pollution" at all...taking photos of our moonshadows.